On April 27,rn2018, Ignatian Solidarity Network presented Father Greg Boyle, S.J., with thernRobert M. Holstein Faith Doing Justice award, for taking “seriously what Jesusrntook seriously."
Establishedrnin 2009, the Holstein Award, annually honors one individual who hasrndemonstrated a significant commitment to leadership for social justice,rngrounded in the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of thernSociety of Jesus (Jesuits).
The award’srnnamesake, the late Robert (Bob) M. Holstein, was a former California ProvincernJesuit, labor lawyer, fierce advocate for social justice, and one of thernfounders of the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice.
As founderrnand executive director of Homeboy Industries, Father Greg has committed hisrnlife to providing hope, training and support to former gang members andrnpreviously incarcerated men and women.
“We're not so much invited to declare our allegiance to a system of beliefs, but rather to a way of living, a way of loving — to a vision [of]... inclusion, nonviolence, unconditional loving kindness and compassionate acceptance,” he said.
At the event,rnJose Aranello, a graduate of the Homeboy Industries job training program, andrncurrent manager of trainees at Homeboy, spoke of the impact Father Greg has hadrnon his life. He recounted a story of visiting a Washington, D.C. restaurantrnwhile traveling with Father Greg. He described the experience as one that,rn“along with countless experiences, helped to change the way I saw myself andrnhow I saw myself in the world.”
In her prayer, Ann Holmquist, vice president for mission at Loyola High Schoolrnof Los Angeles, affirmed Father Greg’s work, saying, “We come together in honorrnof Greg Boyle… who said something has to change, and through love, and morernlove, a whole lot of showing up, and consistently opting to savor the world insteadrnof trying to save it, built Homeboy Industries. Both a place and a mindset thatrnis simultaneously a sanctuary and a place to go from.”