Native Ghanaian Thomas Awaipo, a child recipient of Catholic Relief Services programs who now works for CRS in his home country, spoke about his life experiences to students at Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy in a recent assembly.

Awaipo, whose parents died when he was very young, lost his two younger siblings to starvation and was saved from starvation himself by attending a school which served food provided by CRS. He now oversees a similar program in Ghana, where young students who attend school receive food on a daily basis.

Although not born in the Catholic faith, Awaipo shared in a Q&A session with students following his talk that he almost became a priest. However, when he was in seminary, he met the woman who would become his wife, and they now have four children who all attend school.

Awaipo was invited to speak at the assembly by Bob Harper, the chair of FSHA’s board of directors, and his wife, Joan. Awaipo hosted the Harpers when they visited Ghana through CRS several years ago.

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