Hoping to build on last year’s record attendance, archdiocesan organizers of the Theology on Tap program for young adults recently announced their July line-up of speakers and event sites.Theology on Tap, coordinated locally by the archdiocesan Office of Young Adult Ministry, is open to all young adults, ages 18-39, singles and couples, regardless of religious affiliation. In its 12th year in the L.A. Archdiocese, RENEW International’s Theology-on-Tap was created in 1981 to reach out to young adults seeking to learn more about Catholicism and to provide opportunities for fellowship. Last year, 1,200 young adults attended TOT sessions held in all the pastoral regions of the archdiocese.“It’s a chance for young adults to come together in a welcoming environment to explore what faith means to their lives in a real and practical way,” said Douglas Leal, archdiocesan coordinator for adult faith formation and young adult ministry. “It’s an opportunity for them to meet other young adults and share their issues and concerns with other people who are wrestling with similar things.”This year, TOT will take place at seven locations throughout the archdiocese, including five parishes, Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles and the Fr. Kolbe Missionaries Center in West Covina. East site has a host team that focuses on hospitality, creating a social setting atmosphere where beer and wine are available. TOT’s early venue sites 32 years ago included bars and restaurants around Chicago.“We always serve beer in addition to soda and water. It wouldn’t be TOT if we didn’t serve beer,” said Leal. “We want to make sure that young adults know that this is an event for them.” Although TOT is open to those as young as 18, alcohol will only be served to those 21 and over, Leal pointed out. While there is no admission fee, freewill donations are accepted.“Our goal as an office for TOT is to sort of be the leaven for young adult ministry and to help individual parishes connect with their young adult population and with the young adult seekers who may be in their community,” Leal added. “Individual parishes that decide to follow it up with something like a ‘Jesus and Java,’ or a coffee house or a movie night or even a young adult liturgy — that’s what we hope we’re building the audience for.”Doors open at 7 p.m.; each program starts at 7:30 p.m. Locations and speakers include:Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha Church, 22508 Copper Hill Drive, Santa Clarita (Thursdays): —July 5: Cardinal Roger Mahony, “Encountering Christ in the Immigrant.”—July 12: Fr. Jim Clarke, “Signs of Growing Holiness.”—July 19: Sr. Edith Prendergast, “Finding God in the Whirlwinds of Your Life.”—July 26: Michael McColligan, “God Is My Co-Driver: Spirituality of Racing.”Fr. Kolbe Missionaries Center, 531 E. Merced Ave., West Covina (Fridays):—July 6: Cardinal Roger Mahony, “Encountering Christ in the Immigrant.”—July 13: Sr. Gail Young, “Gifts Given to Give Away: How Am I Called to Serve?”—July 20: Jillian Cooke, “Why Mary?”—July 27: Sr. Su Fern Khoo, “God Moments in the New Millennium: How Am I Supposed to Find My Place, Lord?”Holy Family Church, South Pasadena, 1527 Fremont Ave., South Pasadena (Wednesdays):—July 11: Fr. Chris Ponnet, “Consistent Life Ethics: Do We Really Support Life?”—July 18: Jesse Manibusan, “Relationships, Emotions, Work, Life: God Bless This Stress!”—July 25: Sr. Edith Prendergast, “Finding God in the Whirlwinds of Your Life.”—Aug. 1: Margaret Sardo, “Why Should I Pray?  And How Do I Start?”‚Ä®Loyola Marymount University, One LMU Drive (Theology Village, University Hall, Suite 3700), Los Angeles (Mondays):—July 9: Dr. Jeff Siker, “How Did We Get the Bible?”—July 16: Jesse Manibusan, “Secrets of the Catholic Ninja: Faith You Can Really Use.”—July 23: Fr. Brett Hoover, “From Nazareth to L.A.: Faith and Culture in Jesus' Hometown and in Yours.”—July 30: Dr. Paige Marrs, “No More Relationship Glitches! Prepare Yourself for the Love of Your Life, and to Be that Love for Someone Else.”Sacred Heart Church, Ventura, 10800 Henderson Rd., Ventura (Tuesdays):—July 3: Daryl Hitt, “Quiet Your Noise; Speak with Actions.”—July 10: Fr. Vaughn Winters, “From Darkness to Light: Moving Forward from Scandals into Holiness and Healing.”—July 17: Jesse Manibusan, “Secrets of the Catholic Ninja: Faith You Can Really Use.”—July 24: Deacon Bill and Sue Spies, “7 Keys to Spiritual Wellness.” St. Cornelius Church, 5500 East Wardlow Road; Long Beach (Tuesdays):—July 10: Sr. Kathleen Burns, “Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes?”—July 17: Fr. Francis Mendoza, “How Can We Luau If We Only Have 5 Loaves of Bread and 2 Fish?”—July 24: Dr. Tammy Ichinotsubo-Ezzi, “Wholeness & Holiness: Jesus, the Church, and the Embodied Brain.”—July 31: Fr. Alexi Smith, “Catholics and Other Christians: Are We Getting Anywhere?” St. Gregory the Great Church, 13935 Telegraph Road, Whittier (Thursdays):—July 5: Michael McColligan, “God Is My Co-Driver: Spirituality of Racing.”—July 12: Dr. Nick De Los Reyes, “The Other Vocations: Married Life and Single Life.”—July 19: Dr. Jeff Siker, “How Did We Get the Bible?”—July 26: Sr. Su Fern Khoo, “God Moments in the New Millennium: How Am I Supposed to Find My Place, Lord?”{gallery width=100 height=100}gallery/2012/0622/tot/{/gallery}

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