Categories: California

Tenth Southern California Divine Mercy Congress

Members of Christ the King Parish will host the 10th annual Southern California Congress of the Divine Mercy Sept. 12-13. The theme of the congress will be “There Is No Limit to the Divine Mercy.”

Msgr. Paul Montoya and the Lay Institute of Divine Mercy will supervise the event. Speakers will include Auxiliary Bishop Oscar Solis, Msgr. Charles J. Chaffman, Msgr. Antonio Cacciapuoti and Sister Alicia Hernandez, CVD, among many others.

The conference will be offered in both English and Spanish in two separate areas. All prayer services, including Mass, will be bilingual. Auxiliary Bishop Edward W. Clark will celebrate the Sept. 12 Mass 5:30 p.m. and Auxiliary Bishop Alexander Salazar will celebrate the Sept. 13 Mass at 10:30 a.m.

To attend the event, a donation of $35 per person or $50 per married couple will be required. The fee will be waived for priests, deacons and members of religious communities.

For more information and to book a reservation, please visit or call (323) 393-4144. The church is located at 617 N Arden Blvd., Los Angeles.

Angelus News