On Sept. 14, the Los Angeles Archdiocese will celebrate the city’s 232nd birthday with a procession, Mass and feast in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels, for whom the city is named: “El Pueblo de Nuestra Se√±ora la Reina de Los Ángeles.” Presented by the Queen of Angels Foundation and the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, the event — now in its third consecutive year — will bring together L.A.’s multicultural communities in the name and honor of the Blessed Mother, Patroness of Los Angeles. Archbishop José Gomez has encouraged all Catholics to participate. “This beautiful celebration reminds us that our modern, secularized city — which plays such a big role in shaping opinions, fashions and culture — is dedicated to the angels and the Mother of Jesus, who is the Queen of all the Angels in heaven,” he said. “We can never forget that Los Angeles — and all of California and the Americas — are built on a Christian foundation.”Banners, flags, color guards and bagpipers will highlight the processional parade which starts at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church (“La Placita”) and ends at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels with a rosary and votive Mass led by Archbishop Gomez. Mark Anchor Albert, event organizer and chairman of the Queen of Angels Foundation, noted that this procession honors the Blessed Mother and “revives the Los Angeles tradition which started with its founding in 1781 at La Placita, downtown’s oldest continuously operating Roman Catholic church.” The first 44 settlers of Los Angeles arrived in September 1781 from San Gabriel Mission, the fourth of the nine California missions founded 10 years earlier by Father Junípero Serra.The 2013 procession brings together 55 different Southland cultural communities, along with their representatives and leaders. Among them: Consulate Generals Sylvia Fernández (Costa Rica), Dr. Bern Fischer (Germany), Szilerd Teleki (Hungary), Johnny Ibrahim (Lebanon), Victor Pe√±a (Paraguay), Maria De La Vega (Philippines), Daniel Orszag (Slovak Republic) and Enrique Molero (Spain).The Queen of Angels Foundation promotes reverence for the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as Los Angteles’ Catholic heritage, in an effort “to foster a more perfect life” for its members and their community. The public is invited to join the 2013 Grand Marian Procession on Sept. 14, starting with blessings and invocations at 3 p.m., at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, 535 N. Main St., Los Angeles. There is no charge for admission. Paid and street parking is available and seating is on a first come, first served basis. For more information, or to make a contribution, visit http://www.thequeenofangels.com/.{gallery width=100 height=100}gallery/2013/0823/qofa/{/gallery}