Actor/producer Martin Sheen will receive the 2012 Spirit of Life Award during the second annual Life Fest Film Festival, a showcase for films that honor the value of human life and the unique importance of each life, to be held May 5-6 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. “Martin Sheen has been outspoken in his opposition to legalizing assisted suicide, a form of voluntary euthanasia, and his opposition to abortion,” said Brian Johnston, director of the Life Fest Film Festival. “Life Fest is seeking to affirm those stories and story tellers that reflect the unique value of the human experience and of each human life by providing a forum to films that highlight a very profound message: every life matters. Martin Sheen’s willingness to ‘go against the zeitgeist’ and speak out for the value of each innocent life, is both brave and honorable.” 

Sheen’s most recent film, “The Way,” in which he co-starred with his son and the film’s director, Emilio Estevez, has been nominated for Best Film. Sheen plays Tom who, trying to deal with the tragic loss of his son (Estevez), embarks on the historical pilgrimage "The Way of St. James" to honor his son's desire to finish the journey. 

 “Life Fest recognizes that entertainment professionals --- actors, directors, writers, and producers alike --- have a unique voice and powerful tools at their disposal,” said Johnston. “We want to encourage them to follow Martin Sheen’s example by telling compelling stories that highlight the intrinsic value of life.”  

The Life Fest Film Festival is dedicated to showcasing films that reinforce the intrinsic worth of innocent human life and the profound significance of each life. Last year’s participants included Lamplight Entertainment director Jonathan Flora and his wife, actress Deborah Flora, actors Clint Howard and Charlie Holliday, and actress Mell Flynn. For information, visit

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