Categories: California

Incarnation Church to host Rosary for Healing April 14 for Child Abuse Protection Month

In observance of National Child Abuse Awareness Month in April, the offices of Victims Assistance Ministry and the San Fernando Pastoral Region of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will present a special rosary for healing and protection on Tuesday, April 14 at Incarnation Church in Glendale.

According to Suzanne Healy, coordinator for Victims Assistance Ministry, the Rosary for Healing and Protection was originally developed by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Office of Child and Youth Protection as a resource for Child Abuse Awareness Month, which is observed every April.  

The upcoming service at Incarnation Church was developed in accordance with the USCCB rosary guide, and “enhanced with Scripture readings, a litany for healing, a special prayer for victims’ healing, and beautiful music.” Reflections from the five sorrowful mysteries accompany five decades of the rosary, and the final decade includes reflection from the first glorious mystery — the Resurrection — to “end with hopeful prayers of healing,” explained Healy.

“Our audiences [for the Rosary for Healing and Protection] have been small in number in the past, but those who have attended have been greatly impacted by the beauty of prayer dedicated to those who have suffered abuse,” she said, noting that the rosary is open to all, including family, friends, neighbors or other supporters of individuals who have experienced abuse, and for abuse victims themselves.

“This is an opportunity to pray for healing and reconciliation for all victims of any type of childhood abuse,” she continued. “It is a time of prayer for our church as well.”

According to Healy, the rosary is just one of numerous observances taking place at parishes across the archdiocese during the month of April that are “intended to [help provide] healing, comfort and reconciliation for victims and their families.” Some churches will light candles for victims and survivors, hold Safeguard the Children presentations, include special announcements in parish bulletins, distribute prayer cards, brochures and other informational materials.

Maria Luisa Torres