This week, The Tidings congratulates all high school graduates, and in a particular way salutes the 6,516 young women and men who have earned their diplomas from the 51 Catholic high schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
In addition to fulfilling the necessary academic requirements, these students have offered service to school, church and community. Now, more than 95 percent of them will continue their education at colleges and universities throughout the country (and overseas, in some cases), many having earned scholarships and grants that total well into the millions of dollars.
Congratulations, Class of 2014!
Editor’s note: All 51 high schools were invited to participate in this section by supplying information and photos to The Tidings. Every effort has been made to include at least one photo from schools which supplied them. A special thank-you is owed to Msgr. Sal Pilato, archdiocesan superintendent of secondary schools, and Holy Faith Sister Angela Hallahan, secondary schools religion supervisor, for their assistance in helping The Tidings to obtain this information.