The meetings took place March 11 and 15 at Bishop Alemany High School, close to San Fernando Mission Cemetery and Mausoleum in Mission Hills. Each meeting was attended by close to 150 employees, representing every archdiocesan cemetery and mausoleum facility in the three-county archdiocese.

 At the meetings, Archbishop Gomez emphasized the importance of the ministry of the cemetery worker at a critical time of loss and made it known how important this ministry is to the Church. He stressed how critical the Catholic faith is as a source of comfort and consolation to those who are grieving and mourning the loss of their loved one.

 “These were informal meetings that allowed the archbishop to get acquainted with the cemetery workers and answer their questions, and they very much appreciated the time he spent with them,” said Brian McMahon, director of administrative services for Catholic Cemeteries. “The workers always appreciated it when Cardinal Roger Mahony would come to visit, and we’re hoping Archbishop Gomez will be able to the same when he has the opportunity.”

“The visit of Archbishop Jose Gomez with the Catholic Cemeteries personnel was encouraging and affirming,” added Sister of the Holy Faith Miriam Harney, religious services coordinator at All Souls Cemetery, Long Beach. “He encouraged all to stay close to God through daily prayer and participation at their local church on Sundays, and offered his assistance as support and teacher to the Cemetery staffs so they can truly minister to those who grieve and mourn the loss of a loved one at a very vulnerable time in their lives.”

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