As is often the case, the local calendar of events in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is dominated in the winter months by annual celebrations of life, culture and achievement. Following is a listing of some of the major events:

---The 18th annual Martin Luther King Jr. Prayer Breakfast will be held Jan. 16, 8 a.m. at St. Mary's Academy in Inglewood. Jesuit Father Greg Boyle, founder and executive director of Homeboy Industries, will be the featured speaker for the event, coordinated by the African American Catholic Center for Evangelization. 

Following the Breakfast at St. Mary’s Academy (701 Grace Ave., Inglewood) is the annual Martin Luther King Day Liturgy, 5 p.m. at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, 555 W. Temple St., Los Angeles. For information on these events, call (323) 777-2106, or visit

---The annual Requiem for the Unborn Mass will be celebrated Jan. 21, 6 p.m., at the Cathedral with Archbishop José Gomez presiding. The Shantigarh Requiem for the Unborn, composed by John Bonaduce, is a special Mass written specifically to affirm the Church’s belief in the sanctity of all human life. 

The Mass will conclude with a ceremony of light during which members of the assembly will bring forward candles, one candle for each life lost to abortion that day in the County of Los Angeles. These candles will remain lit and displayed on the Cathedral Plaza for the following week as a reminder of the Church’s continuing commitment to life. Information: (213) 680-5200 or 

---The Mass Honoring Religious Jubilarians will be celebrated Jan. 29, 3:30 p.m. at the Cathedral, with Archbishop Gomez presiding. Priests, sisters and brothers from religious communities who are celebrating milestone jubilees of their professions will be honored, as will communities who are marking significant anniversaries of service in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The celebration is coordinated by the Office of the Vicar for Women Religious. Information: (213) 637-7559.

---Archbishop Gomez will host the 23rd annual Cardinal’s Awards Dinner on Feb. 4 at the Grand Ballroom at Hollywood and Highland in Hollywood, honoring five members of the Los Angeles Catholic community who have given of their time, talent and treasure. Honorees Yolanda Brown, Alex Chaves, Michael Enright, Margaret Given and Margaret Romano are all active supporters of Catholic education, contributors to Catholic service organizations, and involved in projects that support and promote activities for the local Church and community.  

Funds from the event will assist Sagrado Corazon y Santa Maria de Guadalupe Church in Cudahy to build a new worship space to accommodate its large number of parishioners. Since 1990, the Cardinal’s Awards Dinner has raised more than $7 million to support schools, parishes, charities or relief efforts in all pastoral regions of the archdiocese. Information: (213) 637-7636 or

---World Marriage Day will be celebrated Feb. 12 at the Cathedral. Held each year on the second Sunday in February to honor the lifelong commitment of husband and wife, World Marriage Day events provide the visible sign of support couples need to continue to make the daily decision to love one another. 

Couples celebrating significant anniversaries (25, 50, 60 or more years) of marriage will be recognized and have their sacramental vows renewed at the 10 a.m. (English) and 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) Masses. Couples who register ahead of time will receive a commemorative certificate of their anniversary. The registration form is available at; it may be completed and mailed to World Marriage Day Coordinator, 555 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90012. Information: Shirley Manning, (213) 680-5232, or email [email protected]

---Finally, as spring begins, the Religious Education Congress returns to the Anaheim Convention Center and surrounding hotels March 22-25, beginning with Youth Day on March 22 and followed by three days of workshops, keynote talks, liturgies, entertainment and fellowship for more than 40,000 Catholics from throughout Southern California, the U.S. and overseas.

This year’s theme is “Voice Infusing Life”/“Voz Que Infunde Vida.” Coordinated by the archdiocesan Office of Religious Education, the event is the largest of its kind in the world. Information: (213) 637-7348 or

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