‘Rebel Hearts’ review is ‘off base’

The review critiquing the film “Rebel Hearts” was as off base as anything I have ever read. 

Ann Carey states “it comes off as a superficial one-sided account of the 1970 tragic breakup of the 600 member Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Los Angeles and offers no new insights on the 50-year-old story.” Carey must not have actually seen the film, because the entire theme is about insights. 

The article includes much incorrect information, such as claiming that the sisters reported that they received no college instruction or teacher preparation before being placed in a classroom. Carey contends that two years in a novitiate for religious formation constitutes teacher training, when that is precisely not true. The entire story of “Rebel Hearts” is one of the power of the patriarchy.  

The IHMs were strong women, and Cardinal McIntyre just wasn’t having it. My conclusion is that Carey did not do her homework or it was simply a “hit piece” with conveniently misrepresented information.

— Cheryl Ortega, Los Angeles

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