Letters to the Editor

A moment to be proud of

On behalf of the SoCal Immigration Task Force, we wish to express our profound gratitude for the beautiful event that unfolded at St. Frances X. Cabrini Church in South LA on Holy Saturday, featured as the cover story in the April 19 issue of Angelus Witnessing undocumented migrants being reunited with their loved ones after years of separation was truly heartwarming. We are filled with immense pride to see the Church play a pivotal role in facilitating such emotional reunions. We extend our most sincere appreciation to Bishop Matthew Elshoff, the parish, volunteers, and the event organizers who dedicated their time and efforts to make this day extraordinary. Their compassion and commitment exemplify the spirit of community and solidarity. This event serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for immigration reform. As people of faith, we are called to embrace the stranger and advocate for justice. Let us not forget the biblical imperative to welcome the stranger, for in doing so, we honor the teachings of Christ. — Isaac Cuevas, LA Archdiocese Office of Immigration Affairs, SoCal Immigration Task Force 

Abortion and the president

Contesting Francis X. Maier’s criticism of President Biden in the March 22 issue, Claire Marmion begins by saying, “Joe Biden is a man of faith” (Letters to the Editor, April 5). But is Biden’s faith ours? St. Pope John Paul II, addressing the U.S. bishops in Los Angeles on September 16, 1987, spoke about Catholics who do not adhere to Church teaching. He said: “Some are reported as not accepting the Church’s clear position on abortion. It has also been noted that there is a tendency on the part of some Catholics to be selective in their adherence to the Church’s moral teachings. It is sometimes claimed that dissent from the Magisterium is totally compatible with being a ‘good Catholic’ and poses no obstacle to the reception of the Sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching office of the Bishops.” In his encyclical Evangelium Vitae (“The Gospel of Life”), John Paul affirmed that procured abortion is murder, and that lawmakers who promote and approve laws permitting abortions are among those who are morally responsible for them. We have a grave and clear obligation to oppose abortion laws by conscientious objection. It is not licit to campaign or vote for them, except to make permissive abortion laws more restrictive so as to limit the number of authorized abortions (The Gospel of Life,” 58, 59, 73). “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven” (Mt. 7:21). — Steve Serra, St. Nicholas Church, Laguna Woods

Courage on Palm Sunday

I was overjoyed to read Robert Brennan’s column on the Palm Sunday procession in Silver Lake online April 3 (also in this issue on page 26) and see that some parishes are not cutting corners on this beautiful tradition. There's been more emphasis in recent years on doing Eucharistic processions, which are good and important. But the Palm Sunday procession is the oldest one in the Church’s history (technically, Jesus himself started it) and one of the very few actually in the liturgical books. Sadly, this procession is often skipped or done in a parish parking lot to save time and effort. Bravo to St. Teresa of Avila Church for making this public profession of faith in the most challenging of circumstances. — Anonymous priest, Northern California

More than ‘disruptor moments’

I was stunned to see the Catholic Church’s sexual abuse crisis paired with the COVID-19 pandemic as the two of the biggest “disruptor” moments for priests in one of Pablo Kay’s questions to Francis X. Maier in “Confession Time for America” in the March 22 issue. Each of these events did not just “disrupt” the lives of priests. One involved serious crimes by priests and bishops that destroyed the lives of thousands of children, and the other involved a deadly virus that killed over a million Americans. One was purely the fault of the Catholic Church, while the latter was the fault of a virus and those who would not follow the advice of medical experts to avoid its spread. One should never view the crime of child sexual abuse — or a deadly pandemic — as just a “disruptor” moment in a priest’s life. — Donald Bentley, La Puente

On presidential ‘embarrassment’

I take issue with Francis X. Maier's dismissal of both of our presidential candidates as “embarrassments to our system of government” in the March 22 issue.  Joe Biden is a man of faith, a family man, and a longtime legislator who has helped our country return to a productive nation after the pandemic, and much more. Though not a perfect person, he does represent many good qualities not evident in the other candidate.   — Claire Marmion, Seal Beach

Serra statue is where it should be

Thank you for your story on the return of the Father Serra statue in the March 8 issue.  It was with great joy that I saw the Father Serra statue returned and now in a fitting place at Mission Basilica San Buenaventura. There were many who worked for a peaceful resolution to the placement of this statue, and I’m glad he is at the last mission he personally founded. As a mission docent, I can use this statue and its return for enhancing our discussion of the California mission era and Father Serra’s vision for the missions and his great love for the people here. — Mary Mellein, Ventura


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