Letters to the Editor

Kicker should have defended all Masses

I would like to accent Amy Welborn’s commentary (May 31 issue) with my belief that Harrison Butker missed the point by placing so much emphasis on the Latin Mass. With today’s faltering Mass attendance, his message could have been much stronger if he had emphasized the basic need to attend Mass. He could have parenthetically voiced his preference for the Latin Mass while still stating that the Mass is powerful and necessary in any language. — Judith Seki, San Gabriel

A nuanced kick down the middle

Thank you for running Amy Welborn’s perspective on Harrison Butker’s speech in the May 31 issue. It captured many of my own thoughts about a speech that meant well but also was flawed. It’s good to read her nuanced approach in Angelus, especially when there’s so much pressure for everyone to line up on our tribal sides and shout at each other. — John J. Miller is the director of the Dow Journalism Program at Hillsdale College in Michigan

Kicker defended motherhood, not NF

Amy Welborn’s op-ed in the May 31 issue is an absurd view of a great speech. Self-awareness? Welborn lacks it when she suggests that because Butker makes millions he does not embody Catholic social values and spirituality. Modern leftists want women working and government raising their children so that children can be indoctrinated at an early age. Butker did not defend his employer, he defended motherhood! I am surprised and disappointed that Angelus printed this opinion piece when Butker’s speech provoked so many positive responses. — Benedict Lucchese, St. Mary Magdalen, Camarillo

Butker spoke the unspeakable

Bravo to Harrison Butker for his electrifying commencement address speaking Catholic truth — faithfully and unapologetically.  Our Catholic faith is tolerated only when it is contained and “safe” for the secular culture. But when anyone has the guts to escape their secular-controlled containment, then they are met with a hostility intended to demean and neutralize. It shows how “dangerous” the authentic Christian truth is to the wayward “status quo” of our society.  If people despise Butker’s message, perhaps even within the Church, then it is a sure sign the message has resonated. As Jesus said, “If the world hates you, remember it hated me first.”  Pope Francis told the youth to go to the streets, spread the faith, and “go make a mess.” Butker made a true mess of the status quo and is a role model of bravery for us. — Fritz Baumgartner, M.D., Los Angeles

Another story to make me grateful for being Catholic

I got choked up reading the beautiful article by Theresa Cisneros about the reunification of families split across the U.S.-Mexico border. Imagine not seeing your Mom or your child for 20 years or more! It was truly heartwarming the way community and church organizations helped the parents in making the 2,500-mile journey to reunite with their families, in time to celebrate the Resurrection together on Easter this year. I was especially touched by the way my fellow Catholics were so committed to this compassionate project. Every day I find another reason to thank God that I’m Catholic. — Marilyn Boussaid, St. James Parish, Redondo Beach

Time to tell the truth about ‘the pill’

Katie Breckenridge’s essay about the medical dangers of the contraceptive pill in the May 3 issue track with issues I’ve seen in young women for years. Now, my young adult granddaughter tells me that her friends are going off the pill, after experiencing weight gain and severe emotional instability. Some resent their mothers for recommending the pill for menstrual irregularities and acne. As a doctor, I warned my daughters that its dangers included risk of stroke, emotional disturbance, and even possibly difficulties with fertility in the future. As a Catholic, I’m happy that my daughters understand that the pill only interferes between a man and his wife when it comes to establishing a happy marriage. — Dr. Graciela C. Pozo, Miami, Florida


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