Having worked in pro-life ministry for many years, I was grateful to see coverage of the IVF debate (“The IVF danger we don’t see”) and the problem with the fate of frozen children in the Sept. 20 issue.
However, I take umbrage with the fact that presidential candidate Donald Trump — who is more reluctant in his stance on IVF — was mentioned twice by name. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris, who has been way more vehement in her support of IVF, was not named once. She has made “reproductive rights” a major theme of her presidential run and has very liberal views on abortion — at the expense of the “we the people.”
— Dorothy Hage, Newbury Park
One candidate less dangerous than the other?
Angelus Staff Sep 23, 2024
Having worked in pro-life ministry for many years, I was grateful to see coverage of the IVF debate (“The IVF...