The article in the Sept. 22 issue on chaplain Michael Ladisa gave light to what I consider the “whole Michael.” We got to learn more about him not only as a chaplain but also as a husband, father, grandfather, and friend.
We learned things about Michael that, because of his humility, he never shared with us, his fellow chaplains. Like how he rented a storage unit to keep reading materials and clothes for those being released from the jail, or how he and Monica took someone in that needed a home.
I am sure there are many more good things we will never know about Michael, but it’s OK because he left his mark everywhere he went.
You brought out the real Michael, the sensitive Michael, the dedicated Michael, and the committed Michael in bringing Christ’s light to every individual he met.
I was very moved with the article that I printed out several copies to pass out to anyone, not just chaplains. I believe his life needs to be shared and that is what you did for us.
— Eve Ortiz, senior Catholic chaplain, Century Regional Detention Facility, Lynwood
The real Michael Ladisa
Angelus Staff Sep 26, 2023
The article in the Sept. 22 issue on chaplain Michael Ladisa gave light to what I consider the “whole Michael.”...