More reporting needed on the Equality Act

Thank you to Dr. Christie for her rather alarming report about the Equality Act recently passed by the U.S. Congress and sent on the Senate in the May 7 issue. It was alarming to me because much of this bill is detrimental to the beliefs of American Catholics and the majority of our citizens. 

It can be laid completely at the door of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a nominal Catholic, but, if the Senate passes it, and President Biden signs it, it is at our door. One example of the bill’s many controversial topics that Dr. Christie warns us about is the very real possibility that Catholic and private schools could be sued by the federal government under this bill, unless they give in completely to the “gender issue.” 

I hate to say it, but I think this subject is quite a bit more important than the seven pages devoted to the restoration of the fire-damaged San Gabriel Mission (which I am happy about). It would be instructive also to your readers to see the names listed of all the Congress members who voted for this bill. 

— John DeLaney

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