Helping in the fight for chastity

Kate Bryan's essay “Witness that’s worth it” in the Feb. 11 issue of Angelus is a reminder that the Catholic Church — from our bishops and priests, to laypeople and families — needs to do a better job of helping young people in the battle to live chastely. 

On one hand, some Catholics can be quick to condemn or exclude those who struggle to live up to the Church’s teaching. On the other hand, there exists a temptation among priests and catechists to “soften” the Church's beautiful teaching on sexuality, or to avoid talking about it at all, out of fear that following it is too challenging or unrealistic in today’s world. Neither approach is helpful.

Young Catholics, especially, need the attention, encouragement, and support of their priests, catechists, families, and fellow parishioners in this fight. They need their nearby parishes to offer the sacrament of confession more often. And now that the pandemic situation seems to be improving, they need to have opportunities and places to meet and share with other young Catholics in person again. The future of our Church depends on it.

— Anthony Cadena, Lawndale

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