An important aspect of the porn catastrophe

The cover story in the April 7 issue of Angelus by Elise Italiano Ureneck, “God Can Redeem the Broken Stuff,” touches on many important points. The author captures both the devastation to self and relationships, as well as the hope there is to heal, both greatly misunderstood within and outside of the Catholic Church.

The porn industry years ago realized they were missing out by only producing content to appeal to men, so it shifted gears. Taking advantage of one of our most blessed human gifts, our curiosity for what God has made, porn hijacks and turns curiosity toxic. In an age of falling birth rates, easy divorce, and gender confusion, we are witnessing the unprecedented toll of 24/7 hardcore porn on relationships and marriages.

According to 2022 search analytics from the world’s most popular porn provider, the most popular search by women is lesbian content. Where do we expect that to take us? Porn is now the go-to place for not only men but also women to learn about sex. Tragically, it normalizes going outside of marriage in search of what appears to be missing.

It is time to raise the alarm and create informed spaces for healing. As Annie Heyen pointed out in the article, “Satan loves darkness and isolation.”

— Patrick Erlandson of Rancho Palos Verdes is the founder of “Father-Con” and the “See It End It Film & Arts Festival and Global Platform” for the prevention of human trafficking.

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