Fifty years after its publication, the papal encyclical “Humanae Vitae’s” teaching on marriage and family life continues to be the subject of praise, study, and sometimes, criticism.
Russell Shaw headlines our 50th anniversary special issue with the story of the document’s origins and the backlash it sparked.
rn‘Humanae Vitae’ at 50

Mike Aquilina remembers Herbert Ratner, a Catholic convert and doctor who found the key to understanding the Church’s teaching on sex in the wonder of human biology.
The singular witness of Dr. Herbert Ratner

Kathryn Jean Lopez explores why Blessed Pope Paul VI’s prophetic words are more relevant than ever before.
‘Humanae Vitae’ is the prophetic answer for a world still searching for love

Grazie Pozo Christie and Robert Brennan share their perspectives on how a soon-to-be-saint’s teaching shaped their personal histories.
What my overprotective parents and a wise pope got right about family life

Baby not on board

And in his weekly column, Archbishop José H. Gomez encourages us to be open to the beautiful promise of "Humanae Vitae," and reminds us that our world today needs it more than ever.
The fruit of love

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