“Tell Me the Story of Jesus” Advent Workshop for Elementary Catechists
English and Spanish workshops. Cost: $35/pre-registration, $45/late registration. Contact Douglas Zuniga at 213-637-7410 or [email protected].
Deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith through dynamic DVD presentations by Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Dr. Scott Hahn. Free events. No reservation required. Call 626-335-2811 or visit the Adult Faith Development ministry page at www.stdorothy.org for more information.
Provider: Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith, ecumenical and interreligious officer of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. 9-session certification course is for anyone interested in learning about Ecumenical and Interreligious relations from the Catholic perspective, especially laypeople. Cost: $400/person with certification, $300 without. Visit store.la-archdiocese.org/eia.
Mingling will be maximized at the dinner by having attendees rotate to different tables. Call Celeste at 661-916-2727 or visit CatholicSinglesNetwork.com.
Call Celeste at 661-916-2727 or visit CatholicSinglesNetwork.com.
Deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith through dynamic DVD presentations by Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Dr. Scott Hahn. Free events. No reservation required. Call 626-335-2811 or visit the Adult Faith Development ministry page at www.stdorothy.org for more information.
Group gathers to honor the gift of life and encourage cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers, in honor of late pastor Msgr. James Gehl. For more information, email Lisa Barona at [email protected].
Hosted by ACTheals and led by Father Alexei Smith, event will delve into the relevance of Christ’s manifestation of light in our time. Includes teaching, sharing, prayer, and inquiry. Call Bernadette St. James, PsyD., at 310-991-2256 or visit ACTheals.org.
Movie will be shown in the Augustine Center as part of the parish’s ongoing centennial celebration and acknowledgement of IHMs’ contributions to education and the parish school. Call OMGC centennial office at 323-664-2111 or visit omgcla.org.
Zoom. Open to anyone interested in becoming a deacon. Register or request more information by sending your name, parish, and pastor’s name to Deacon Melecio Zamora at [email protected].
Movie will be shown in the Augustine Center as part of the parish’s ongoing centennial celebration and acknowledgement of IHMs’ contributions to education and the parish school. Call OMGC centennial office at 323-664-2111 or visit omgcla.org.
Call Celeste at 661-916-2727 or visit CatholicSinglesNetwork.com.
Zoom hosted by the Office of Marriage Tribunal, Office of Marriage and Family Life, and Separated and Divorced Ministry. Free presentation on the annulment process. Presenters: Father Reynaldo Matunog, JCL, Judicial Vicar, Father Paul Velazquez, JCL, and Sister Angelica Orozco, E.F.M.S. Register at https://familylife.lacatholics.org/separated-divorced. Contact Julie Auzenne at […]
Mass is open to the public. Limited seating. RSVP to [email protected] or 213-637-7810. Livestream available at CatholicCM.org or Facebook.com/lacatholics.
Deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith through dynamic DVD presentations by Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Dr. Scott Hahn. Free events. No reservation required. Call 626-335-2811 or visit the Adult Faith Development ministry page at www.stdorothy.org for more information.
With Bryanna Benedetti-Coomber. Visit hsrcenter.com or call 818-815-4480.
Hosted every third Sunday by Sister Chris Machado, SSS. Visit hsrcenter.com or call 818-784-4515.
2 p.m. dances performances, 3 p.m. procession, 3:30 p.m. Mass. Celebrant: Auxiliary Bishop Matthew Elshoff. A dance performance of various Sinulog groups will kick off the celebration at the Cathedral Plaza. Contact Romy and Tess Esturas at 213-219-0590.
Celebrant: Archbishop José H. Gomez, homilist: Auxiliary Bishop Matthew Elshoff. Hosted by the African American Catholic Center for Evangelization.
Call Celeste at 661-916-2727 or visit CatholicSinglesNetwork.com.
Workshops teach participants to enter into a personal relationship with the Lord through prayer, in a practical, varied, and progressive way. 15 sessions on Wednesdays. Registration will be closed after Jan. 29. Contact Filomena Rombeiro at 562-715-0337.
Six-week course meets on Wednesdays. RSVP to Cathy at 562-631-8844 or [email protected].
Deepen your understanding of the Catholic faith through dynamic DVD presentations by Bishop Robert Barron, Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Dr. Scott Hahn. Free events. No reservation required. Call 626-335-2811 or visit the Adult Faith Development ministry page at www.stdorothy.org for more information.
Weigel is the personal biographer of St. Pope John Paul II and a distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. Cost: $35/general admission, $100/VIP tickets with meet & greet. Tickets available at strosesv.com or at the parish rectory. Call 805-526-1732.
Free concert, includes the Moldau of Smetana, Romeo and Juliet Overture, Souls like Birds of Rodriguez, and others. Call 562-920-7796.
With Marilyn Nobori and the contemplative outreach team. Visit hsrcenter.com or call 818-815-4480.
With Sister Deborah Lorentz, SSS, and Lala Rukh Khan. Visit hsrcenter.com or call 818-784-4515.
With Dominic Berardino. Topics include: What Happens When We Die? and Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell: What Can We Know of Them? Cost: $20/person pre-registered, $25/person at door. Call SCRC at 818-771-1361 or visit events.scrc.org.
Panelists include Alex Jones, co-founder of Hallow and Anne Sweeney, board of directors for Netflix and Lego. Visit ellunch.org.
Workshops teach participants to enter into a personal relationship with the Lord through prayer, in a practical, varied, and progressive way. 15 sessions on Wednesdays. Registration will be closed after Jan. 29. Contact Filomena Rombeiro at 562-715-0337.
Six-week course meets on Wednesdays. RSVP to Cathy at 562-631-8844 or [email protected].
With Father Steve Coffey, OSB.Cam. Visit hsrcenter.com or call 818-784-4515.
Admission onsite, cash only: $10/general, $5/students, 5 years and under free. Group rate: $8/each for 10 people. Game will be livestreamed at lacatholics.org/catholic-hoops/.
Items for the Calendar of events are due two weeks prior to the date of the event.