Categories: Arts & Culture

Classic cinema: Depictions of personal holiness

With the close of the church's observance of the Year of Faith draws to a close, Catholic News Service reviewer John Mulderig has selected 10 movies that have successfully risen to the challenge of depicting personal holiness in a way both credible and engaging. Unless otherwise noted, the Catholic News Service classification for each film is A-I (general patronage). Motion Picture Association of America ratings are indicated for those titles that have received them.

---"Becket" (1964; A-II, PG-13).

---"Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story" (1996; A-II, PG-13).

---"The Flowers of St. Francis" (1950; subtitles).

---"A Man for All Seasons" (1966; G).

---"The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima" (1952).

---"Miracle of Saint Therese" (1959; dubbed).

---"Monsieur Vincent" (1947).

---"Of Gods and Men" (2011; subtitles; A-III, PG-13).

---"The Passion of Joan of Arc" (1928; A-II).

---"The Song of Bernadette" (1943).

Angelus News

Tags: Film