Inspiring speakers will join Archbishop José H. Gomez at the fourth annual OneLife LA event on Jan. 20 at Los Angeles State Historic Park in downtown Los Angeles. The annual event unites people throughout Southern California to celebrate the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Themed “Made for Greater,” the event will begin at noon with a walk from the birthplace of the city at Olvera Street to the new Los Angeles State Historic Park. 

OneLife LA showcases inspiring stories of heroism and seeks to inspire service for the most vulnerable. This year, OneLife LA is especially highlighting the importance of foster parenting and adoption to build up a culture of life. 

Damon Clarke Owens will co-emcee the event. He and his wife, Melanie, live outside Philadelphia with their eight children. Their youngest son and daughter are adopted.

Another keynoter, Bishop W.C. Martin, led his tiny 200 person congregation in Possum Trot, Texas, to adopt 77 children from foster care, emptying their foster care system. He wrote a book about the experience called “Small Town, Big Miracle” and has dedicated his ministry to promote adoption of minority children. 

For information on speakers and a complete program, visit the website

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