On Sunday, October 15, a Mass and procession celebrating El Se√±or de Los Milagros took place at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. The event was organized by the Hermandad del Se√±or de los Milagros — the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles. El Se√±or de los Milagros, the "Lord of Miracles," is a Peruvian devotion that began in 1715. It is a simple depiction of the crucified Christ with his mother and St. John. An unknown Angolan slave painted the image on the adobe wall of a building in 1651. In 1655, an earthquake shook Lima, killing thousands and destroying much of the city. The storehouse containing the image collapsed entirely except the wall with the image of El Se√±or de los Milagros. All photographs by Victor Aléman for Angelus News.

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