Relevant Radio and Immaculate Heart Radio have announced the completion of their merger. The organization’s legal name is now Immaculate Heart Media, Inc. broadcasting as Relevant Radio. The merger (officially announced on Oct.13, 2016) received final approval by the Federal Communications Commission on May 24 and all station licenses have been transferred to Immaculate Heart Media, Inc., a Wisconsin non-stock, non-profit corporation.

“We give thanks to God, Our Lady, St. Joseph, our extraordinarily generous and faithful supporters, and our very hard-working employees who have made this merger possible,” said Father Francis J. Hoffman, the executive director/CEO.    

The organizations share a history of prayerful, humble beginnings and news of the merger has received the enthusiastic support across the country, according to a press release. 

“We are honored to unite and join forces to continue to serve the Catholic Church and Her Bishops,” said Tom Vorpahl, chairman of the board of directors.

The two listener-supported radio networks combine 36 years of broadcast experience. The merger strengthens the presence of Catholic radio throughout the United States to provide a compelling voice for the Catholic Church over mass media platforms.

According to Doug Sherman, president, “Catholic radio has been an oasis of encouragement for all of our listeners. It’s a place that they can come and be reminded that there’s hope and Good News. We look forward to the fruit that will come from this merger and the strengthening of Catholic radio in our country.”

As a result of this union, Relevant Radio will broadcast Catholic radio programs over 120 AM and FM radio stations and translators in 39 states, reaching 133 million listeners and up to 60 percent of U.S. Catholics. 

The new network operates 24/7 in 20 of the top 50 media markets,* including the four largest markets: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. Additionally, programs are live-streamed and available on podcast through multiple internet platforms including websites, mobile apps and social media portals.

*Source: Nielsen Market Rankings with populations as of Spring 2017

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