Donations of money, food, clothing and gifts are currently being accepted to assist more than 360 families in need of basic necessities in the annual Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Adopt-A-Family Program.

Particularly in need are warm clothing, food, school supplies and beds, as well as blankets, toiletries, cleaning supplies, shoes, etc., especially in children’s sizes 2T to 16, according to Lydia Gamboa, Adopt-A-Family program coordinator.

Adopt-A-Family is seeking financial donations, said Gamboa, and offers a variety of "sponsorship" opportunities, in which donors may finance basic needs, sponsor individual families, or underwrite a "gift box" that includes two weeks’ worth of food, practical hygiene and cleaning supplies, blankets, clothing and special presents for each member of the family.

Distribution day is scheduled Dec. 17. Volunteers gather for distribution at 7 a.m., starting with a prayer service at the Cathedral, led by Archbishop José Gomez, who will then join the volunteers in the delivery of the gifts.

For information on how to assist, call (213) 680-8766 or visit and click on the Adopt-A-Family link. Donations can be sent to: Adopt-A-Family, 3424 Wilshire Blvd., 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90010; please make checks payable to Adopt-A-Family.

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