Pope Francis focused his daily homily for the Feast of the Sacred Heart on the nature of love between God and his people.

“There are two aspects to this love. First, love is more about giving than receiving. Second, love is more about actions than words,” the pope said during his June 27 daily Mass in the Vatican’s Saint Martha guesthouse.

The Holy Father described how this feast celebrates the love God has for us in his son, Jesus Christ.

“When we say it’s more about giving than receiving, it’s because love communicates, it always communicates,” the pope said. “And it’s received by the one who is loved. And when we say that it’s more about actions than words, it’s because love always generates life and makes us grow.”‚Ä®‚Ä®

Pope Francis then said the type of relationship God wants with us is like that between a father and his child. In order to better understand God’s love we must become like small children so that he can caress us and tell us that he is by our side.

“This is the tenderness of our Lord and of his love; this is what he tells us and this gives us the strength to be tender,” he said. “If we feel we’re strong, we’ll never experience those caresses from the Lord, those caresses from Him that are so wonderful.”

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