A group of Catholics has launched a worldwide prayer chain to make reparation for a sacrilegious art display in Pamplona, Spain. “Let us ask the Lord’s forgiveness through his Mother, the Most Holy Virgin with the prayer that pleases her so much: the Rosary,” the prayer chain organizers said on their Spanish-language website. More than 700 people have signed up for the prayer chain. The exhibit featured over 200 consecrated Hosts stolen from Mass and arranged to spell out the word “pederasty.” While the Hosts have been recovered, the exhibit still shows photographs the theft and the abuse of the Hosts. The exhibit is hosted in Pamplona’s publicly funded Conde Rodezno exhibition hall. Thousands of Spaniards took part in protests of the exhibit but the city council has so far failed to act to remove it. The organizers of the prayer chain ask people to commit to pray the Rosary in consecutive time slots 24 hours a day as long as “the blasphemous art exhibit in Pamplona remains open.” They plan to pray through Jan. 17. “Until that day, our proposal is to always have at least one person praying the Rosary as a sign of reparation,” they emphasized. The organizers said that that the art exhibit is “an extremely grave offense against Our Lord.” They said they are convinced "this kind of evil must be atoned for, and even more so considering it will be open during the Christmas season.” They said volunteering for the prayer chain is a commitment "to Our Most Holy Mother to make reparation to Our Lord” for “hardly a month.” They encouraged participants to pray the Rosary “with affection and unhurriedly.” They said that in heaven “prayer is not measured in time but in love.” The Spanish-language prayer chain website is at https://rosarioparadesagraviar.wordpress.com.
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